Did you bring your Reusable Bags today?

Environmental consciousness is very strong now. Large number of people loves the idea of Reusable Bags. But still it is not widely used. The biodegradable Reusable Bags made of cotton are really inexpensive, very stylish and elegant. But the major problem is, normally we forget to bring our own Reusable Bags while shopping. We are driven by our long time habit. We go for shopping without any Reusable Bags with us.

More than 50 years ago was invented the Plastic bag. It is given for free in all stores. Sometime we throw it away even before getting in the car right after shopping. It just became a habit the use of plastic bag. So, easily we forget to bring our own Reusable Bags. The solution of this problem is very easy but very complex at the same time. It is easy, because there is no big economic deal. It is complex, because the habit change is not an easy task. So, I love it when I hear the phrase in some stores, “Did you bring your Reusable Bags” today?

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